Sunday, June 19, 2011


I took this picture to use in Vintage week over on December Roses, but I thought I could post it here too!!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Link up!!

Over on the new December Roses blog we have a photo "challenge" going on...this is what we have posted on there...
"So this week's subject is Vintage. Lys and I will take our pictures and post
them throughout the week as we can. We promise we'll each try post at least two,
up to four. Y'all can join in too! The picture doesn't necessarily have to have
a true vintage piece in it, but it has to look vintage. It can be dishes that
look old, a portrait set up and edited to look old and such like. You can link
up and submit pictures as well. We will look at all of the submissions and
select our favorite on Saturday. There wont be a give away or anything, your
picture will just be posted on our blog as our favorite. The only rules are that
you have to have taken the picture and that you have to have fun. Use your own
interpretation, play with light angles and don't go with what necessarily makes
sense. If we say flowers then you don't have to go out and find a flower, you
can find a book with flowers on the cover or a dress with a floral pattern. In
photography nothing has to be literal"
(Written by Riah)
Head on over to link up!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


This is my 1yro puppy! She is a spaz.
"Let me out of here!" she says. haha

Monday, May 2, 2011


So I boosted the color in this picture a TON because I think it looks way better like this. At least more fun... lol
(To see picture it :D)
Oh - and ALL of my water pictures are of water that is in the air not resting on glass or other hard surfaces.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


This shot was overexposed but I loved the water so I played with it on Picnik (since my Adobe photoshop is still on my other comp) and this is what I got....

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Yes, it's late (dont look at the time stamp) - but due to not be able to sleep (I'll tell ya bout it later Ri) I figured I'd post this pic. I took it at the Biltmore Estate back in January. I just now got it to where I liked it enough to share.This is one of the few pics I've tweaked on photoshop with my "new" laptop - so if the colors and tones are weird to you, let me know!

Friday, April 1, 2011


Me on a pony! I couldn't resist posting this pic.
I love the processing.


I didn't mind using this pic because you can't see her face.

Sunday, February 6, 2011


I've not been any less busy since the New Year... I'm gonna try - but we all know that there won't be 365 pics in 365 days. We'll get 365 pics over however long it take.
Again, I'm sorry - sniff :(
Your photographer-friend-who-hasn't-posted-in-forever-and-is-really-sorry-about-that-and-will-try-harder-

Monday, January 17, 2011


In the Biltmore Estate green house...


At the Biltmore green house again..


This is at the Biltmore Estate's green house. So beautiful!


This is the view off of my back deck. Of course, now it's not covered in snow anymore...
but this is a purty view!

Monday, January 3, 2011



Ten years is a long time to be away from a place like this! Blue Ridge Mountains are the best.
Maybe one day I'll live near them - just not IN Asheville again.
For those of you who don't know what this is - it is the Biltmore Estate!


I used to live near here (about 15 minutes away) - I miss it a ton! It's like home away from home!


Im baaaaack!!!!!
Here are the mountains in North Carolina! I went to the Biltmore Estate today and this is the view from the back of the Estate: